
EURO-CITI (EUROpean CITIes platform for online transaction services)

PERSON IN CHARGE: Merakos Lazaros
FUNDED BY: European Commission
START DATE: 01/09/2000
END DATE: 01/09/2002
The aim of EURO-CITI is to improve the efficiency of local authority, reinforce the concept of direct democracy and foster collaboration between local authorities at all levels (regional, national, European). The main objective of EURO-CITI is to exploit the potential of on-line democracy by developing and demonstrating new transaction services, namely tele-voting, electronic submission of forms and tele-consulting. The development of these services calls for a common underlying architecture to fully exploit their potential and facilitate their implementation. It further calls for a new process model that can be adopted by local authorities in order to maximise the benefits of these services.

Research > Research Projects