
EURESCOM Projects: P901 (Extended investment analysis of telecommunications operator strategies), P917 (BOBAN-Broadband Optical Access Networks), P918 (Integration of IP over Optical Networks) / EURESCOM

PERSON IN CHARGE: Sphicopoulos Thomas
START DATE: 01/01/1999
END DATE: 31/12/2000
P901: The work focuses on evaluation of telecommunication investment projects related with establishing new service platforms, such as IP-based fixed or wireless multimedia networks, fixed mobile convergence, based on new telecommunications technology and new internetworking solutions. The Project concentrates on quantitative analyses, relying on the establishment and use of a common assessment framework, including common models for costing, market assessment, competitor behavior and external effects, and risk analysis. P917, P918: These projects focus on the evolution of optical networks towards access network and the study of all optical networks development.
Research > Research Projects